Getting started

A wise man once said :

Get rich or die tryin’.

So with this in mind I am trying to build my own ‘thing’.  A mobile news aggregator for romanian publications. Why? Because all the existing ones are shit, and I thought I can do better.

You can find the Android app here . Or you should have the Google Play badge somewhere around here.

This was the easy part, developing it. It took me ~8 weeks, a few now and then, and version1.0 was ready.

NOW the hard  part is promoting it. Making it ‘popular’ . How the hell do you do it ? I can’t find any good tutorials on this. I can’t find anything on Stackoverflow 🙂 . There are no blogs about this.

So, I guess I’ll have to learn my way. And I’ll write here about it. What I’ll try, what works, what does not work, what is waste of money or time.

Currently after 5 days we have :

Android app : 10-50 installs

Facebook Page : 50 likes

Google+ Page : 4 followers

Now that’s SHIT. We need to start moving somehow.